Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Dhammapada VII (Arahantavagga / Arahants)

gataddhino visokassa ~ vippamuttassa sabbadhi,
sabbaganthappahīnassa ~ pariḷāho na vijjati.

There is no suffering for him who has finished his journey, and abandoned grief, who has freed himself on all sides, and thrown off all fetters.

uyyuñjanti satīmanto, ~ na nikete ramanti te,
haṁsā va pallalaṁ hitvā ~ okam-okaṁ jahanti te.

They depart with their thoughts well-collected, they are not happy in their abode; like swans who have left their lake, they leave their house and home.

yesaṁ sannicayo natthi, ~ ye pariññātabhojanā,
suññato animitto ca ~ vimokkho yesa' gocaro,
ākāse va sakuntānaṁ ~ gati tesaṁ durannayā.

Men who have no riches, who live on recognised food, who have perceived void and unconditioned freedom (Nirvâna), their path is difficult to understand, like that of birds in the air.

yassāsavā parikkhīṇā ~ āhāre ca anissito,
suññato animitto ca ~ vimokkho yassa gocaro,
ākāse va sakuntānaṁ ~ padaṁ tassa durannayaṁ

He whose appetites are stilled, who is not absorbed in enjoyment, who has perceived void and unconditioned freedom (Nirvâna), his path is difficult to understand, like that of birds in the air.

yassindriyāni samathaṁ gatāni,
assā yathā sārathinā sudantā,
pahīnamānassa anāsavassa,
devā pi tassa pihayanti tādino.

The gods even envy him whose senses, like horses well broken in by the driver, have been subdued, who is free from pride, and free from appetites.

paṭhavisamo no virujjhati,
indakhīlūpamŏ tādi subbato,
rahado va apetakaddamo,
saṁsārā na bhavanti tādino.

Such a one who does his duty is tolerant like the earth, like Indra's bolt; he is like a lake without mud; no new births are in store for him.

santaṁ tassa manaṁ hoti, ~ santā vācā ca kamma ca,
sammad-aññāvimuttassa, ~ upasantassa tādino.

His thought is quiet, quiet are his word and deed, when he has obtained freedom by true knowledge, when he has thus become a quiet man.

assaddho akataññū ca ~ sandhicchedo ca yo naro,
hatāvakāso vantāso ~ sa ve uttamaporiso.

The man who is free from credulity, but knows the uncreated, who has cut all ties, removed all temptations, renounced all desires, he is the greatest of men.

gāme vā yadi vāraññe, ~ ninne vā yadi vā thale,
yattharahanto viharanti ~ taṁ bhūmiṁ rāmaṇeyyakaṁ.

In a hamlet or in a forest, in the deep water or on the dry land, wherever venerable persons (Arahants) dwell, that place is delightful.

ramaṇīyāni araññāni, ~ yattha na ramatī jano,
vītarāgā ramissanti, ~ na te kāmagavesino.

Forests are delightful; where the world finds no delight, there the passionless will find delight, for they look not for pleasures.

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