jay'āsan'āgatā buddhā
jetvā māraṃ savāhanaṃ
catu-saccāsabhaṃ rasaṃ
ye piviṅsu narāsabhā
The Buddhas, noble men who drank the nectar of the four
noble truths, having come to the victory seat, having defeated Māra together
with his mount:
aṭṭha-vīsati nāyakā
sabbe patiṭṭhitā mayhaṃ
matthake te munissarā
These Buddhas - 28 leaders, sovereign sages beginning with
Taṇhaṅkara - are all established on the
crown of my head.
sīse patiṭṭhito mayhaṃ
buddho dhammo dvilocane
saṅgho patiṭṭhito
ure sabba-guṇākaro
The Buddha is established in my head, the Dhamma in my two
eyes, the Saṅgha - the mine
of all virtues - is established in my chest.
hadaye me anuruddho
sārīputto ca dakkhiṇe
koṇḍañño piṭṭhi-bhāgasmiṃ
moggallāno ca vāmake
Anuruddha is in my heart, and Sārīputta on my right. Koṇḍañña is behind me, and Moggallāna on
my left.
dakkhiṇe savane mayhaṃ
āsuṃ ānanda-rāhulo
kassapo ca mahānāmo
ubh'āsuṃ vāma-sotake
Ānanda & Rāhula are in my right ear, Kassapa &
Mahānāma are both in my left ear.
kesante piṭṭhi-bhāgasmiṃ
suriyova pabhaṅkaro
nisinno siri-sampanno
sobhito muni-puṅgavo
the noble sage, sits in consummate glory, shining like the sun all over the
hair at the back of my head.
kumāra-kassapo thero
mahesī citta-vādako
so mayhaṃ vadane niccaṃ
patiṭṭhāsi guṇākaro
Kumārakassapa - great sage, brilliant speaker, a mine of virtue - is constantly
in my mouth.
puṇṇo aṅgulimālo
upālī nanda-sīvalī
therā pañca ime jātā
nalāṭe tilakā mama
five elders - Puṇṇa,
Upālī, Nanda, & Sīvalī - have arisen as auspicious marks at the middle of
my forehead.
sesāsīti mahātherā
vijitā jina-sāvakā
etesīti mahātherā
jitavanto jinorasā
jalantā sīla-tejena
rest of the 80 great elders - victorious, disciples of the Victor, sons of the
Victor, shining with the majesty of moral virtue - are established in the
various parts of my body.
ratanaṃ purato āsi
dakkhiṇe metta-suttakaṃ
dhajaggaṃ pacchato āsi
vāme aṅgulimālakaṃ
ākāse chadanaṃ āsi
sesā pākāra-saṇṭhitā
Ratana Sutta is in front, the Metta Sutta to the right. The Dhajagga Sutta is
behind, the Aṅgulimāla
Paritta to the left. The Khandha & Mora Parittas and the Āṭānāṭiya Sutta are a roof in space. The remaining suttas are
established as a rampart.
asesā vinayaṃ yantu
by the Victor's authority & strength, seven ramparts arrayed against them,
may all misfortunes within & without - caused by such things as wind or
bile - be destroyed without trace through the unending Victor's majesty.
vasato me sakiccena
sadā sambuddha-pañjare
viharantaṃ mahītale
sadā pālentu maṃ sabbe
te mahā-purisāsabhā
I dwell, in all my affairs, always in the cage of the Self-awakened One, living
on earth in the middle of the cage of the Victors, I am always guarded by all
of those great noble men.
iccevamanto sugutto surakkho
jinānubhāvena jit'upaddavo
dhammānubhavena jitārisaṅgho
saṅghānubhāvena jit'antarāyo
saddhammānubhāva-pālito carāmi
Thus am I utterly well-sheltered, well-protected.
Through the power of the Victor, misfortunes are vanquished.
Through the power of the Dhamma, the enemy horde is vanquished.
Through the power of the Saṅgha, dangers are vanquished.
Guarded by the power of the True Dhamma,
I go about in the Victor's Cage.
Through the power of the Victor, misfortunes are vanquished.
Through the power of the Dhamma, the enemy horde is vanquished.
Through the power of the Saṅgha, dangers are vanquished.
Guarded by the power of the True Dhamma,
I go about in the Victor's Cage.
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